Book 2, Chapter 3: Return to Omashu
Taking off directly after the giant cliffhanger in The Cave of Two Lovers, we find Aang lamenting over the possible loss of his old friend, King Bumi. In a valiant act of bravery and selflessness, Aang decides to infiltrate the city. "This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend." Ha, Sokka looks like Commander Zhao! (or a great number of ordinary fire nation men, if you haven't noticed 😉) How cute! In case you forgot, this little fellow is a purple pentapus: "Hey, I think I've heard of Pentapox! Didn't your cousin Cheng die of it?" Oh, how easy it is to blindly believe something and then create an entire web of beliefs to explain it. Many of us participate in this self-deception on a regular basis... ********************* "When tracking your brother and Uncle, traveling with the royal procession may no longer be an option. It may no longer be wise, If you hope to keep the element of surprise ....