Book 1, Chapter 18: The Waterbending Master
After the events of The Northern Air Temple, the Gaang are headed to the northern water tribe to find a waterbending master. However, it doesn't quite work out that way. What actually happens is that their northern brothers find them! This episode has a really tight-nit story, so study closely . They finally made it! Only 18 episodes in... I do appreciate how grand and magnificent the Northern Water Tribe is portrayed. The techniques for lifting ships- and in this case Appa- up to the city are modeled after real life ship locks. For instance, several of these ship locks are used in the Welland Canal that allow ships to ascend 326 feet from Lake Ontario to Lake Erie, bypassing Niagra Falls. I love this animal (I believe it's the only time we see it in the series): Aang, Katara, and Sokka are so excited to finally arrive. They're greeted with much warmth and celebration: Ooooo. Sokka's got a good eye... In perhaps my favorite part of the epis...